Navodaya Vidyalaya Class VI/IX Result 2020
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Jawaharlal Navodaya Vidyalaya has invited applications for Class 6th / 9th Entrance Examination, 2020. For the class 6th / 9th entrance exam, now the result of the aforesaid entrance examination has been released.
Candidates can check the result of their class 6th / 9th entrance exam from the important link section is given below and the candidates for the entrance exam for other sections can get their result soon. Candidates need to maintain eagerness on the portal to get information about NVS entrance exam result. By providing their valid details, candidates will be able to download their NVS class 6th / 9th entrance exam results and if the result is in the format of the result list, then the candidates need to check their details on the list.
Class VI Result
Click Here
Class IX Result
Click Here
Official Website
Click Here